Arène Par Mohamed Ali Mrabi
Le 13/02/2025

Les trublions de la route n’ont qu’à bien se tenir! Le gouvernement compte enfin sévir face à la multiplication des incivilités sur les routes. La nouvelle réforme du Code... + Lire la suite...

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Road transport subsidies: Over 5.9 billion dirhams disbursed

Par Mohamed CHAOUI | Edition N°:6647 Le 24/11/2023 | Partager

The Finance Bill is an opportunity to take stock of a number of issues. Public transport subsidies are one of them. According to a document from the Ministry of Economy and Finance, since its launch to date, there have been 11 disbursements of the exceptional support allocated to professionals in the road transport sector to the tune of almost 5.921 billion Dirhams (USD 592 million) for the period from April 2022 to last September.

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